Post by j***@gmail.comHello,
I wrote simple gomoku game and ported it to several systems including AS400.
Enjoy it :-)
very nice. even easier to load and compile on the as400 when using a mapped drive. I map the /home directory on the IFS to my PC. /home then appears as drive v: on the pc.
to install the code on the as400, run git clone on the PC
PS V:\srichter> git clone Piskworks
then compile direct from the IFS
and call from the command line:
call srichter/gom
PS V:\srichter> git clone Piskworks
Cloning into 'Piskworks'...
remote: Counting objects: 262, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 262 (delta 0), reused 3 (delta 0), pack-reused 257
Receiving objects: 100% (262/262), 103.12 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (131/131), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
PS V:\srichter> cd piskworks
PS V:\srichter\piskworks> ls
Directory: V:\srichter\piskworks
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 11/9/2017 8:32 AM doc
d----- 11/9/2017 8:32 AM src
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 88 .gitignore
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 35815 LICENSE
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 1175 Makefile.gcc
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 1139 Makefile.z88dk
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 3100
PS V:\srichter\piskworks> cd src
PS V:\srichter\piskworks\src> ls
Directory: V:\srichter\piskworks\src
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 787
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 999
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 16958 gomoku.ico
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 7868 main_app.c
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 8096 main_con.c
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 17475 main_w32.c
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 17845 pisk_lib.c
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 1939 pisk_lib.h
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 26918 qcsrc.gom
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 993 resource.h
------ 11/9/2017 8:32 AM 1692 resource.rc
PS V:\srichter\piskworks\src>